latest news

April 2024


Deadline for submission Employer’s Tax Declaration – Προθεσμία υποβολής φορολογικής δήλωσης εργοδότη

The deadline for the submission of the Employer’s Annual Tax Declaration (Form TD7) for the year 2023 is the 31st May 2024. Failure to submit the relevant tax declaration carries a €100 penalty for non-compliance. The Employer’s Tax Declaration cannot be submitted unless the employees that are declared on the specific form have valid Cyprus tax identification codes. Remaining at your disposal should you have any questions. ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES TEAM ......................................................... Η προθεσμία για την υποβολή της Ετήσιας Φορολογικής Δήλωσης Εργοδότη (Έντυπο TD7) για το έτος 2023 είναι η 31η Μαΐου 2024. Η μη υποβολή της σχετικής φορολογικής δήλωσης επιφέρει πρόστιμο 100 ευρώ για μη συμμόρφωση. Η Φορολογική Δήλωση Εργοδότη δεν μπορεί να υποβληθεί εκτός εάν οι εργαζόμενοι...

Abolition of Annual Fee for the year 2024 and thereafter / Κατάργηση Ετήσιου Τέλους για το έτος 2024 και εντεύθεν

With reference to the “Abolition of Annual Fee for the year 2024 and thereafter”, see below link of Announcements of the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property (Companies Branch) in relation to the Abolition of the Annual Fee for the year 2024 and beyond.  ΑΝΑΚ. ΤΕΕΔΙ Κλάδου Εταιρειών 21/03/24 ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES TEAM   ................................................. Αναφορικά με το θέμα της «Κατάργησης Ετήσιου Τέλους για το έτος 2024 και εντεύθεν» παρακαλώ δείτε πιο κάτω σύνδεσμο Ανακοινώσεων του Τμήματος Εφόρου Εταιρειών και Διανοητικής Ιδιοκτησίας (Κλάδου Εταιρειών) σε σχέση με την Κατάργηση Ετήσιου Τέλους για το έτος 2024 κι έπειτα . ΑΝΑΚ. ΤΕΕΔΙ Κλάδου Εταιρειών 21/03/24 Η ΟΜΑΔΑ ΤΗΣ ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES  

March 2024

Υποβολή Δήλωσης Παρακράτησης Φόρων & Εισφορών (ΤΦ7) για το έτος 2024 – Submission of Withholding Taxes & Contributions Declaration (IR7) for the year 2024

We inform you about the announcement of the Tax Department regarding the Submission of Withholding Taxes & Contributions Declaration (IR 7) for the year 2024 through the TAX FOR ALL (TFA) system. Specifically, the announcement states that: Due to the gradual transition to the new TFA Computerized System, the Withholding Tax and Contribution Declaration (IR7) for the year 2024 and after, will be submitted through the TFA system and not through the TAXISnet system, as was the process until now. Please note that, for the year 2024, ONLY an annual Declaration will be submitted within the year 2025, while for the following years, monthly Declarations will also be submitted. In addition, we would...

December 2023


Attached is the announcement of the Tax Department regarding the extension of VAT return submission for the period ending on November 30, 2023. Based on the announcement, the submission of the VAT return and payment of the tax due is extended until Monday 15 January 2024. Remaining at your disposal should you have any questions. ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES TEAM  __________________________________________________________________________ Επισυνάπτεται η ανακοίνωση του Τμήματος Φορολογίας σχετικά με την παράταση υποβολής δήλωσης ΦΠΑ για την περίοδο που έληξε στις 30 Νοεμβρίου 2023. Με βάση την ανακοίνωση, η υποβολή της δήλωσης ΦΠΑ και η πληρωμή του οφειλόμενου φόρου παρατείνεται μέχρι τη Δευτέρα 15 Ιανουαρίου 2024. Παραμένουμε στην διάθεση σας για οποιεσδήποτε απορίες. Η ΟΜΑΔΑ ΤΗΣ ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES  


With regards to the above issue, please see below a link of Announcements of the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property (Companies Section) in relation to the commencement of the implementation of the final solution of the electronic system of the Beneficial Ownership Register as of November 14, 2023. The implementation is divided into three phases: The first phase covers the period 14/11/2023-31/12/2023 where all companies and partnerships are required to inform/re-register their Beneficial Owners in the 'Final Solution', even if they have already done so in the interim solution system. Please note that no financial penalties will be imposed during this period. The second phase covers the period 1/1/2024-29/2/2024 and requires those companies...

Deemed Divident Distribution that relates to the tax year 2021

We would like to remind you of the deemed dividend distribution (DDD) provisions of the Special Contribution for the Defence Law that relate to the tax year 2021. Profits subject to deemed dividend distribution In accordance with the legislation, a company which is a tax resident of Cyprus, will be deemed to have distributed as dividend 70% of its accounting profits arising in 2021. The deemed dividend will be considered as having been distributed two years from the end of the year it relates to. Therefore for 2021 the date of deemed distribution is 31 December 2023 (Last date of payment 30th January 2024). The deemed distribution provisions are not applicable to the...

Provisional Tax – Προσωρινή Φορολογία

We would like to remind you that the payment deadline for the 2nd provisional tax instalment for tax year 2023 is the 31st of December 2023 (there is 30 days period for the payment until 30 January). Obligation for provisional tax payment The following persons have an obligation to pay provisional tax, based on their expected annual taxable income for tax year 2023: Individuals with taxable income other than salaries, pensions, dividends and interest, and Companies with taxable income. Payment of provisional tax The provisional tax is calculated by applying the relevant tax rates (depending on whether the taxpayer is an individual or a company) on the expected taxable income for the year, after taking into account any overseas...

Social Insurance Contribution Rates

As of 1st January 2024, the Social Insurance Contribution rates for each of the employer and the employee are increased by 0.5% and for self-employed individuals by 1%. The below table summarizes the contribution rates which are applicable for the tax year 2024:   % Self-employed individuals 16,6 Employee’s contribution 8,8 Employer’s contribution 8,8 Employer’s contribution to the Redundancy Fund 1,2 Employer’s contribution to the Human Resource Development Authority Fund 0,5 Employer’s contribution to the Social Cohesion Fund 2   Social Cohesion Fund An employer is liable to pay a social cohesion fund contribution of 2% on the amount of the emoluments of his employees (without any restriction as to the amount of the emoluments).   Maximum limit of emoluments As of the beginning of 2024 the below maximum amount of emoluments are applicable...

October 2023


Correction of VAT returns via TFA

 On 21 September 2023, the Cyprus Tax Department announced that taxpayers may correct their VAT returns via the Tax For All (TFA) online platform. Corrections to the VAT returns can be made as follows: Until the deadline for ANY boxes of the VAT return (i.e. Box 1 to 11B) After the deadline ONLY for boxes of the VAT return that are not related to the output/input VAT (i.e. Box 6 to 11B) This ability to correct VAT returns concerns only the VAT returns submitted via TFA with submission date after the 27th of March 2023. Corrections to VAT returns that have been submitted and their deadline date was prior to the 27th of March 2023, can be submitted to the Tax Department...