
April 2023

New deadline for VAT – Παράταση για ΦΠΑ

Announcement from the Tax Department which extends the submission and payment deadline for the VAT period ending 28/02/2023. New deadline is 10/05/2023. Announcement - VAT deadline extension ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES TEAM ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΦΟΡΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ Tax For All (TFA) – Στάδιο 1 Φ.Π.Α. Παράταση Υποβολής Δηλώσεων και Πληρωμής Φ.Π.Α. Το Τμήμα Φορολογίας με αφορμή την έναρξη στην λειτουργία του Tax For All από τις 27 Μαρτίου 2023 θέλει να ευχαριστήσει όλους τους επηρεαζόμενους χρήστες που ανταποκρίθηκαν, συνδέθηκαν και χρησιμοποίησαν με επιτυχία την πύλη Φορολογουμένων TFA. Αναγνωρίζοντας την προσπάθεια που γίνεται και έχοντας ως κύριο μέλημα την διευκόλυνση όλων των χρηστών παρατείνει περαιτέρω την ημερομηνία υποβολής της Δήλωσης και της πληρωμής του Φ.Π.Α. που προκύπτει σύμφωνα με την δήλωση αυτή ως ακολούθως: Φορολογική Περίοδος: 01/12/2022...

March 2023

tax cyprus

Tax For All (TFA) – Στάδιο 1 Φ.Π.Α.

Please find below the announcement from the Tax Department regarding the Account Activation Instructions and New Procedures – TFA. Remaining at your disposal should you have any questions. March 28, 2023 ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES TEAM ......................(Ακολουθεί κείμενο στα ελληνικά)............................. Επισυνάπτεται ανακοίνωση του Τμήματος Φορολογίας σχετικά με την Ενεργοποίηση Λογαριασμού και τις Νέες Διαδικασίες – TFA. Παραμένουμε στην διάθεση σας για οποιεσδήποτε απορίες. 28 Μαρτίου 2023 Η ΟΜΑΔΑ ΤΗΣ ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES  

Tax For All (TFA) – Στάδιο 1 Φ.Π.Α.

Το Τμήμα Φορολογίας ενημερώνει για τις διαδικασίες οι οποίες θα ακολουθούνται με την έναρξη της εφαρμογής του πρώτου σταδίου του Τax For All – TFA στις 27 Μαρτίου 2023: Εγγραφή στο Μητρώο του Τμήματος φορολογίας Ακύρωση...

TFA – Extention in the submission of VAT Declarations – Παράταση στην υποβολή Δηλώσεων ΦΠΑ

Below is the link for the announcement issued by the Tax Department whereby the submission of the next 2 VAT returns is extended as follows: VAT return for the period 01/12/2022-28/02/2023 is extended to 26/04/2023 VAT return for the period 01/01/2023-31/03/2023 is extended to 26/05/2023 TFA - deadline extensions Remaining at your disposal should you have any questions. Best Regards, ACUTE ADVISORY SERVICES TEAM (Ακολουθεί κείμενο στα ελληνικά)  Ακολουθεί ο σύνδεσμος για την ανακοίνωση που εξέδωσε το Τμήμα Φορολογίας με την οποία παρατείνεται η υποβολή των επόμενων 2 δηλώσεων ΦΠΑ ως εξής: Η δήλωση ΦΠΑ για την περίοδο 01/12/2022-28/02/2023 παρατείνεται έως 26/04/2023 Η δήλωση ΦΠΑ για την περίοδο 01/01/2023-31/03/2023 παρατείνεται έως 26/05/2023 TFA...

New Tax For All (TFA) platform

VAT TAXISnet will switch off on 16 March 2023 and the VAT module of the new Tax For All (TFA) platform will switch on 27 March 2023.  In its latest update the Tax Department has confirmed the following: VAT TAXISnet will be available up to 16 March 2023. This is the last day on which you will be able to submit VAT returns, VIES returns and refund requests through TAXISnet. The VAT module of TFA will go live on 27 March 2023. As of this day, all VAT returns (including special taxi and farmers schemes), VIES returns and refund requests will be submitted only through TFA. The gap between the two dates...

January 2023

TFA-Tax For All

On behalf of the Tax Department, we inform you that the notification of taxpayers has begun in relation to the gradual implementation of TFA-Tax For All, the Unified Tax Management System, which at this initial stage ONLY affects persons who are registered in the Tax Department's register for VAT purposes. Attached: Sample of the content of the e-mail to TAXISnet VAT users, to change the access code, the sending of which has already started, Announcement posted on the website of the Tax Department to update the e-mail address Please proceed to: Changing the access code, where necessary, making it easy to remember and user-friendly since in the new TFA system...

December 2022

tax cyprus

Deadline for the 2nd provisional tax instalment for tax year 2022

We would like to remind you that the payment deadline for the 2nd provisional tax instalment for tax year 2022 is the 31st of December 2022 (there is 30 days period for the payment until 30 January). Payment of provisional tax The provisional tax is calculated by applying the relevant tax rates (depending on whether the taxpayer is an individual or a company) on the expected taxable income for the year, after taking into account any overseas tax credits. It is payable in two equal instalments, as follows: • 1st instalment 31 July 2022 • 2nd instalment 31 December 2022 It is noted that, the final tax liability for the tax year 2022 should be settled...

June 2018

Temporary Tax Assessment 2018

The Temporary Tax Assessment for the tax year 2018 is approaching. We urge you to give due consideration to the matter so as to ensure that the payment of the relevant tax liability is performed in a timely manner. In accordance with Taxes Law, all companies must notify the Commissioner of Taxation of their estimated chargeable income, and consequently their resulting temporary tax for the year 2018, by 31 July 2018. Based on the temporary tax computation, tax is payable in two equal installments as follows: 1st Installment:  July 2018 2nd Installment: 31 December 2018 You should also note that: Non-payment on the due dates entails payment of interest at the rate of 3,5% per annum Non payment on the due dates will also attract...

May 2018

Tax Alert

The Tax Department has announced that, as of June 1st 2018, the following taxes, not bearing interest and charges, can ONLY be paid via JCCsmart. Tax code Description 0114 Reduction in Salaries and Wages of the Broader Public Sector 0200 Temporary Income Tax for Individuals and Companies 0300 Self-Assessment of Income Tax for Individuals and Companies 0300 Income Tax (without charges) 0602 Special Contribution for Defence withheld from Interest at source 0604 Special Contribution for Defence on Rental Income 0612 Special Contribution for Defence on Interest Income without deduction at source 0603 Special Contribution for Defence withheld from Dividends at source 0613 Special Contribution for Defence on Dividends without deduction at source 0614 Special Contribution for Defence withheld from Rents at source 0623 Special Contribution for Defence withheld on Deemed Dividend   When the above taxes...

April 2018

Registration to TAXISnet by the use of a unique activation number

The Tax Department announces that the TAXISnet electronic registration for Income Tax/Defense purposes, by using a unique activation number, is in force. This unique number has been sent by post to all taxpayers who are registered in the Tax Register, are active and are not TAXISnet users. The Tax Department encourages your timely registration at TAXISnet, Information on the electronic submission of the income tax return for 2017, as well as instructions on how to register, will be uploaded on the Department’s website at a later stage ( Information and guidance is available at the following contact telephone numbers: Nicosia 22446215 Limassol 25803717 Larnaca 24803590 Paphos 26804398 Ammohostos 23811856